Truth is...

The self-immersed people who does nothing but tear other people's lives in their thoughts and in their words just for the sole purpose of uplifting themselves and succeeding only in placing themselves at the lowest of low in character. A "successful" life only true to their own point of view. You disgust me. So high and mighty, thinking you are better than everyone else "below" you. No one is below anyone nor above. What you don't have you envy from others and what you do have you drag around town and show it off to people who either doesn't care a bit or cares as much as you do... tear it up to pieces too. Envy begets envy. And while you are being enviously basking in a juicy piece of information you found out about someone across the street, you're life is being dissected by the very people you identify with. A liar trusts no one simply because no one can trust him as much as he can trust himself. And an honest person is being called many things... rude, mean or just a plain bad person who doesn't usually have a good choice of words. How do i live in a society that bad choice of words generally means telling the truth? If it hurts it ain't good. Well, i hate to burst everyone's bubble but the truth hurts more often than not coz we don't really wanna hear it from other people. We are so engrossed in proving ourselves that we drag other people down so we can raise our own morals. Fuck morality. It does nothing but make our way of thinking screwed up. An old lady goes to church every Sunday and talks away about other people's lives once she steps out of the church. A good father who is a good provider and a sweet husband goes to someone else's bed before heading home. A good priest fathers a child. A good woman selling her body coz she's got no choice. Morality kills them all. But there is so much more beyond morality. There is life. And what we see isn't always what it seems. But we seem to settle for what we see than go beyond it because we are so scared of the truth. So scared that our own beliefs about what is right and what is wrong morally is being questioned. So scared that we could somehow identify with that truth and our own little world of self-righteousness is being shaken to the core.

And so I realized, life isn't about being morally correct. It is about being right. It is about being honest. It is about not saying anything just for the sake of saying something. Life is about being who and what we are in front of other people no matter how wrong other people sees it. It is about accepting the fact that we make mistakes and knowing we can change for the better. Forgiving and being forgiven. And while I am not being true to myself, I can never be morally correct nor get any closer to it. Coz truth is the only way to be is to acknowledge the fact that I am not really it. 


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