gloomy world...

it's been a gloomy weather lately. and nights are especially cold... 24°C. it's probably a warm night for other countries but no not in mine. i could easily say that it is gonna be a sad week since i can't play tennis when i am off and when i am working it's too cold and my voice cracks sometimes. but life is a matter of perspective. since i can't go out and play, i can watch tennis videos and learn techniques from pros :) and since it's too cold to sing outdoors, maybe it's time to use my colorful shawls and scarves :) i can choose to be gloomy like the sky and weep for boring days... but i also have a choice of sunny-ing my day when it gets gloomy by brightening up my smile or i could frown a little brighter(if it's possible) and think of ways to make life productive when it seems like it can't be. and... when i can't go out, i don't have a choice but to stay in with the family. :) good times...


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