true test of character
i don't really wanna write about notable people or other people in general. i usually just wanna write about myself and how the people around me affects me. it wouldn't be much for most but just getting things out of my system really helps me go through with life. when i saw the news today and listened to Sen. Mar Roxas declare his decision to not run for president anymore and instead gave way to Sen. Noynoy Aquino. am not trying to be cynical but my desperate mind just cannot be so trusting anymore. how am i suppose to know if it isn't a publicity strategy. they are trying so many things these days. anyway, i have hope and i have faith. i always pray for guidance and for our countries deliverance. and me praying alone could only do so much. so instead of marching around the streets begging to be heard, why don't we just turn to someone who we know could change everything?because all i know and believe now is only God can deliver us. most of these politicians have trained themselves well of being dumb and deaf about what's really going on?they've fatten their pockets with our taxes. they spat at each other then form allegiance with the each other and label it as "unification". who the hell are they fooling? oh yeah, me. i will fall for it and after they have won, i will be complaining for their poor performance, unmet expectations and unkept promises. so i bet i got u all confused by now. am not really gonna say don't vote for him or her or for the whole lot. am simply implying that i am confused about who would pass my character test. it is not very easy knowing people when you can only depend on what you see on tv, what you hear about them and their genes. jaded as it may seem, i've had my share of frustrations for choosing the wrong people. and even though i try so hard not to do it again, i could only say, i am only human. so good luck to me.... and to you who've been bored enough to care to read.